The Tallest Trees on Earth
The tallest living things on the planet and the oldest living specimens in the world. Redwoods grow to be a statuesque 300-350 feet tall with a lifespan of over 3,000 years. (The tallest of the bunch are named, but their locations are kept secret to protect them from vandalism.) The redwood roots only run 6 to 12 feet deep, but spread 100+feet wide, intertwining with the roots of all the other redwoods around them making them infinitely more stable (there is strength in numbers!). Fog accounts for 40% of their water intake, their bark is an impressive 12″ thick (helping them to survive forest fires) and they store more CO2 than any other forrest in the world. These ancient trees, oversized fern, clovers and mushrooms are home to mountain lions, elk and bear. A visit to the Redwood National park, along the enchanting Northern California coast, is not to be missed.
“To walk in the redwoods is to enter nature’s cathedral”
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