BB: What are the benefits of having crystals?
Ami: Holding crystals or placing them near your body promotes emotional, physical and spiritual healing.
Crystals interact with your body’s energy fields (chakras) and can provide well-being and many intangible benefits.
BB: Where do you keep them?
Near your bedside to absorb energy while sleeping
In spaces that are sacred such as an altar
Near plants
On your body
BB: The reason your recharge them?
Ami: Over time, crystals can pick up negative or unuseful energy around them and therefore not provide their full benefits. Every so often, it’s a good idea to recharge the crystals.
BB: When to recharge them?
Ami: I like to recharge crystals every so often on New Moon days as these are sacred times to refresh or start something new.
I also like to recharge crystals every season.
BB: Do different crystals have unique meanings?
Ami: Each crystal holds a unique energetic benefit and purpose.
In my video, the first crystal held is Amazonite, used to counteract all the negative energy that emits from electronics. Second is clear quartz, a master healer, that amplifies energy by absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating it for the person using it. Third is amethyst, a protective, healing and purifying stone that also aids sleep and relieves stress. Fourth is rose quartz (two of them!) which cultivates love, both self-love and compassion to others, and trust in relationships and can comfort in times of grief and uncertainty. Last, is carnelian, a crystal that boosts motivation and creativity.
There are so many crystals out there. These are the ones I chose for me and my family. We each keep them by our bedsides.